Affiliation No.:- 2133006 School Code:- 61207


Fee Rules

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Fee for the academic year is to be paid in four quarterly installments. It can also be paid in one single installment for full year in the first quarter.

Fee for all classes from Nursery to be paid as mentioned :-

Installments Months Last Date
1 st Installment April to June 10 th  April
2 nd Installment July to September 10 th  July
3 rd Installment October to December 10 th  October
4 th Installment January to March 10 th  January

Late Payment

Failing so fine of Rs. 10 per day will be levied on the fees non payment or payment delayed cases after 10 th of first month of every quarter till 15 th of the month. After this due date, name of student will be struck off the rolls.